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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Beginning - Welcome!


All things must have a beginning, middle and end. And what you'll be reading here is essentially smack dab in the middle of everything with a side of flashback here and there to fill in the details.
Some of you may know that I have a Star Wars related website called nerf-herders-anonymous, more of you have not and I hope to change that here.

I encourage you to visit and check out the immense collection of Star Wars, Indiana Jones and THX-1138 references that I've collected and catalogued over these past years and to stroll through the very large, nearing 1000, Star Wars Actors Database.

Both projects started out as little one page hobby, then became a savior of sorts during a difficult pregnancy (Site Story) and now it is a labor of love.

Please enjoy the site and the blog!

Thank you!