Scott Beach (the voice of a Stormtrooper in ANH - "...the Death Star plans are NOT in the main computer...") lends his talents to the game show, Oh My Word, from San Francisco. :)
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Update May 26, 2015
The Slow Crawl Back
The Star Wars Actors Database update:
The "A" section is complete. Working on the "B" section as well as single actors here and there.
Keep in mind that most of this information was completed a while back and the transferring from my already completed info from the old site to here is not just a matter of moving them over and posting, I have to clean them up, edit, update information as well as fix/update any broken links...assuming I catch them.
It is a slow process.
Thank you!
Ackroyd, David - voice of Antilles and Fixer (ANHr)
Acord, David - voice of Medial Droid on Polis Massa (ROTS)
Akindoyeni, Tux -Agen Kolar - Zabrak Jedi Knight (ROTS)
Alaskey, Joe - voice of Important Merchant (TPMvg), Interpreter (TPMvg), Watto's Flunky (TPMvg)
Alcroft, Jamie - AT-PT driver/Javelin submarine captain/Sio Bibble (GB)
Alessio, Josephine - Queen Jamillia's Aide (AOTC)
Alexander, Coinneach - Jedi Padawan (ROTS)
Allen, Amy - Aayla Secura - Twi'lek Jedi Knight (TPM, AOTC, ROTS)
Allen, Hazel - Rebel (ROTJ)/Yoxgit (ROTJ)
Allen, Peter - Geezum - Snivvian Scout/ Stormtrooper (ROTJ)
Allen, Tony - Snowtrooper (ANH)
Alsup, Bunny - Cantina walla (voice work) (ANH)
Altman, John - Rebel Alliance Pilot (ROTJ)
Amendt, Paul - voice of Rogue Ten (RS), voices (KOTOR)
Anderson, Pip - (TFA)
Anderson, Bob (d 2013) - Darth Vader (stunts) (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)
Anderson, Franki - Bubo - Frog-Dog puppeteer (ROTJ)
Anderson, Sam - Additional voices (XWvT)
Anderson, Vass - Rebel Escort/Rebel in War Room (ANH), Stormtrooper/Hoth Rebel (ESB)
Angel, Jack - voice of Rom Mohc (DF)
Ankrum, David - voice of Wedge (ANH)
Appleton, Phil - see Delancy, Phil
Apostolos, Margo - Ewok (ROTJ)
Arbogast, Annie - voice of Sy Snootles - Lead Singer Jabba's Palace (voice) (ROTJ)
Arkin, Adam - voice of Fixer (ANHr)
Armato, Dominic - voices of Alien Citizen (TPMvg), Ben Quadinaros (PR), Clegg
Holdfast (PR), Coruscant Male #2 (TPMvg), Repair Droid 47-B (FC), Ticket Vendor
*Armellino, Amanda - Handmaiden (ROTS)
Armitage, Richard - Naboo Fighter Pilot (TPM)
Armstrong, Ray - Ewok (ROTJ)
Armstrong, Vic - Han Solo stuntman (ROTJ)
Arnold, Dixie - Stormtrooper (TFA)
Aron, Michael - voice of Ensign Till (RA2)
Arthur, Beatrice (d 2009) - Ackmena - Bartender (SWHS)
Ashley, Graham (d 1979) - Davish 'Pops' Krail (Tiree?) Gold 5 (ANH)
Asner, Edward - voices of Jabba the Hutt (ROTJr), Master Vrook Lamar (KOTOR)
Atwal, Bilu - Alderaan Crew (ROTS)
August, Pernilla - Shmi Skywalker (TPM, AOTC, TCW)
Ault, John William (d 1990) - Commander Bob Hudsol (ANH)
Austen, Don - Yoda puppeteer (TPM)
Austin, Mark - Boba Fett (ANHse)
The Star Wars Actors Database update:
The "A" section is complete. Working on the "B" section as well as single actors here and there.
Keep in mind that most of this information was completed a while back and the transferring from my already completed info from the old site to here is not just a matter of moving them over and posting, I have to clean them up, edit, update information as well as fix/update any broken links...assuming I catch them.
It is a slow process.
Thank you!
Ackroyd, David - voice of Antilles and Fixer (ANHr)
Acord, David - voice of Medial Droid on Polis Massa (ROTS)
Akindoyeni, Tux -Agen Kolar - Zabrak Jedi Knight (ROTS)
Alaskey, Joe - voice of Important Merchant (TPMvg), Interpreter (TPMvg), Watto's Flunky (TPMvg)
Alcroft, Jamie - AT-PT driver/Javelin submarine captain/Sio Bibble (GB)
Alessio, Josephine - Queen Jamillia's Aide (AOTC)
Alexander, Coinneach - Jedi Padawan (ROTS)
Allen, Amy - Aayla Secura - Twi'lek Jedi Knight (TPM, AOTC, ROTS)
Allen, Hazel - Rebel (ROTJ)/Yoxgit (ROTJ)
Allen, Peter - Geezum - Snivvian Scout/ Stormtrooper (ROTJ)
Allen, Tony - Snowtrooper (ANH)
Alsup, Bunny - Cantina walla (voice work) (ANH)
Altman, John - Rebel Alliance Pilot (ROTJ)
Amendt, Paul - voice of Rogue Ten (RS), voices (KOTOR)
Anderson, Pip - (TFA)
Anderson, Bob (d 2013) - Darth Vader (stunts) (ANH, ESB, ROTJ)
Anderson, Franki - Bubo - Frog-Dog puppeteer (ROTJ)
Anderson, Sam - Additional voices (XWvT)
Anderson, Vass - Rebel Escort/Rebel in War Room (ANH), Stormtrooper/Hoth Rebel (ESB)
Angel, Jack - voice of Rom Mohc (DF)
Ankrum, David - voice of Wedge (ANH)
Appleton, Phil - see Delancy, Phil
Apostolos, Margo - Ewok (ROTJ)
Arbogast, Annie - voice of Sy Snootles - Lead Singer Jabba's Palace (voice) (ROTJ)
Arkin, Adam - voice of Fixer (ANHr)
Armato, Dominic - voices of Alien Citizen (TPMvg), Ben Quadinaros (PR), Clegg
Holdfast (PR), Coruscant Male #2 (TPMvg), Repair Droid 47-B (FC), Ticket Vendor
*Armellino, Amanda - Handmaiden (ROTS)
Armitage, Richard - Naboo Fighter Pilot (TPM)
Armstrong, Ray - Ewok (ROTJ)
Armstrong, Vic - Han Solo stuntman (ROTJ)
Arnold, Dixie - Stormtrooper (TFA)
Aron, Michael - voice of Ensign Till (RA2)
Arthur, Beatrice (d 2009) - Ackmena - Bartender (SWHS)
Ashley, Graham (d 1979) - Davish 'Pops' Krail (Tiree?) Gold 5 (ANH)
Asner, Edward - voices of Jabba the Hutt (ROTJr), Master Vrook Lamar (KOTOR)
Atwal, Bilu - Alderaan Crew (ROTS)
August, Pernilla - Shmi Skywalker (TPM, AOTC, TCW)
Ault, John William (d 1990) - Commander Bob Hudsol (ANH)
Austen, Don - Yoda puppeteer (TPM)
Austin, Mark - Boba Fett (ANHse)
Babatundé, Obba - voice of Lando Calrissian (RSIII; GB)
Bach y Rita, Carol - voice of A-Wing pilot/Missile launcher driver (GB)
Baker, Dee Bradley - voices of Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Cody (CW03), Jabba the Hutt (DET), Ephraim Bridger/Admiral Kassius Konstantine/Old Jho/TIE pilot #2 (REB), Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/commander Cody/Sith Snakes/Commander Wolffe/Comet/Younger Muun/Fives (CW08), Beed/Boba Fett/Trandoshan Commando (KSW), ? (TOR), Captian Rex/Commander Cody/Clone Troopers (LSWIII), Baron Tarko/Boba Fett/Rebel Soldier (FUII), Boba Fett (FU), Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Clone Commanders (RH)
Baker, Eileen (d 1993) - Ewok (ROTJ)
Baker, Elaine - Palpatine hologram (ESB)
Baker, Jerry - Scanning Crew Man #1 (ANH)
Baker, Kathy - Rebel (ROTJ - model only, not in film)
Baker, Kenny - R2-D2 (ANH, ESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA), Paploo - Ewok (ROTJ)
Baker, Rick - Figrin D'an (Cantina Band Member - Kloo Horn) (ANH), Hem Dazon -
Cantina Patron (ANH)
Bai, Ling (Bai Ling) - Bana Breemu - Senator (ROTS)
Bajakian, Clint - voices of Borva The Hutt (BFN), Citizen 2 (BFN), Jabba the Hutt (TPMvg), Ric Olié (BFN)
Baksa, Shannon (see McRandle, Shannon)
Baldry, Long John (d 2005) - voices (E)
Ballan, Michael Henbury - Ewok (ROTJ)
Ballantine, Steve (d 2007) - voice of Imperial Pilot (RSII, RSIII)
Bannon, Paul - Stormtrooper (ANH)
?Barbieri, Chantelle - Padmé (Natalie Portman) Stand-in (ROTS)
Barclay, David Alan - Yoda (ESB), Jabba the Hutt - puppeteer (ROTJ)
Do you have extra information which may be missing from an actor's page? Screencaps from movies/TV, Theatre photographs?
If so, send NHA the info and it will be checked for accuracy (if need be) then added to that page.
Acceptable data:
Film (including shorts/documentaries)
Theatre (stage productions with venue if known)
Commercials/Ads (TV, Radio, Print - domestic or foreign)
Radio (plays/readings/productions)
Books (autobiographical/biographical/or self authored books which are non-biographical in nature)
Video Games
Credited work must have name listed in the credits. Some actors in the database aren't normally actors, they suited up for a role in the SW universe but hold non-acting positions in the industry, such as: director/producer/writer/stunts/art department/sound department, etc., etc.), others are actors who also have directing/producing/writing, etc., credits.
Uncredited work must have proof. A good quality screencap of their appearance - even extras/background artists! - is a great start. Other proof would be screencaps from official sourced behind-the-scenes extras from DVDs/BRDs/VHS, live on-set video feeds, on-set personal photos, playbills, official site mention, etc.
Unacceptable data:
GOSSIP and negativity
The purpose of these pages is to spotlight each actor's biographical story, their creative contribution to the arts (their work credits), involvement in charities/special causes with a positive purpose, giving back to their community, education, special recognition/honors/awards for their work, as well as any public social media pages (Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn/Pinterest/Tumblr/Twitter/WhoSay, etc.), plus fun bits of info/trivia.
Thank you!
Bach y Rita, Carol - voice of A-Wing pilot/Missile launcher driver (GB)
Baker, Dee Bradley - voices of Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Cody (CW03), Jabba the Hutt (DET), Ephraim Bridger/Admiral Kassius Konstantine/Old Jho/TIE pilot #2 (REB), Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/commander Cody/Sith Snakes/Commander Wolffe/Comet/Younger Muun/Fives (CW08), Beed/Boba Fett/Trandoshan Commando (KSW), ? (TOR), Captian Rex/Commander Cody/Clone Troopers (LSWIII), Baron Tarko/Boba Fett/Rebel Soldier (FUII), Boba Fett (FU), Clone Troopers/Captain Rex/Clone Commanders (RH)
Baker, Eileen (d 1993) - Ewok (ROTJ)
Baker, Elaine - Palpatine hologram (ESB)
Baker, Jerry - Scanning Crew Man #1 (ANH)
Baker, Kathy - Rebel (ROTJ - model only, not in film)
Baker, Kenny - R2-D2 (ANH, ESB, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA), Paploo - Ewok (ROTJ)
Baker, Rick - Figrin D'an (Cantina Band Member - Kloo Horn) (ANH), Hem Dazon -
Cantina Patron (ANH)
Bai, Ling (Bai Ling) - Bana Breemu - Senator (ROTS)
Bajakian, Clint - voices of Borva The Hutt (BFN), Citizen 2 (BFN), Jabba the Hutt (TPMvg), Ric Olié (BFN)
Baksa, Shannon (see McRandle, Shannon)
Baldry, Long John (d 2005) - voices (E)
Ballan, Michael Henbury - Ewok (ROTJ)
Ballantine, Steve (d 2007) - voice of Imperial Pilot (RSII, RSIII)
Bannon, Paul - Stormtrooper (ANH)
?Barbieri, Chantelle - Padmé (Natalie Portman) Stand-in (ROTS)
Barclay, David Alan - Yoda (ESB), Jabba the Hutt - puppeteer (ROTJ)
Do you have extra information which may be missing from an actor's page? Screencaps from movies/TV, Theatre photographs?
If so, send NHA the info and it will be checked for accuracy (if need be) then added to that page.
Acceptable data:
Film (including shorts/documentaries)
Theatre (stage productions with venue if known)
Commercials/Ads (TV, Radio, Print - domestic or foreign)
Radio (plays/readings/productions)
Books (autobiographical/biographical/or self authored books which are non-biographical in nature)
Video Games
Credited work must have name listed in the credits. Some actors in the database aren't normally actors, they suited up for a role in the SW universe but hold non-acting positions in the industry, such as: director/producer/writer/stunts/art department/sound department, etc., etc.), others are actors who also have directing/producing/writing, etc., credits.
Uncredited work must have proof. A good quality screencap of their appearance - even extras/background artists! - is a great start. Other proof would be screencaps from official sourced behind-the-scenes extras from DVDs/BRDs/VHS, live on-set video feeds, on-set personal photos, playbills, official site mention, etc.
Unacceptable data:
GOSSIP and negativity
The purpose of these pages is to spotlight each actor's biographical story, their creative contribution to the arts (their work credits), involvement in charities/special causes with a positive purpose, giving back to their community, education, special recognition/honors/awards for their work, as well as any public social media pages (Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn/Pinterest/Tumblr/Twitter/WhoSay, etc.), plus fun bits of info/trivia.
Thank you!
Star Wars,
Star Wars Actors Database,
voice actors
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