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daSilva, KarolCristina

Karol Cristina da Silva

Karol Cristina da Silva was born in Brazil in 1975.
While living in Brazil she attended Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina in Joaçaba, Brazil

Silva is an actress, artist, puppeteer, collaborative performer, and interactive installation artist who completed her MA in Theatre Practice at the Royal School of Speech and Drama. She has been giving puppetry workshops for children in schools, festivals, streets, and orphanages since 2006 in addition to creating her own work on film and performing with other companies.

She is known as Karol Silva.

Film Actor
Bottles of Hope~2013 (doc) - Herself (watch it HERE)
Life of a Dress~ - Herself
Fishtale~2009 (short) - Mysterious Girl
Dead On Time~1999 - Nurse (woman in blue)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace~1999 - Rabé

Film Artist
Fishtale~2009 (short)

Film Director
Adventures of Chagall~2012

Film Producer
Adventures of Chagall~2012

Film Writer
Adventures of Chagall~2012

Film (project director)
Bottles of Hope~2013 (doc)

Live Performances/Theatre
Hooray for Hollywood~2011 - Performer (Charleville Festival Mondial de Marionnettes in France)
Fragile/Sacred~2011 - Performer (puppets) (Bornholm Puppet Festival in Denmark/Suspense Festival in London)

Fresh Start Charity Concert~2010 - Herself in The Philippino Story (Rotoract Club of Westminster, Westminster, England, UK)

Social Media
Official Site:

2015 - Associate Artist at Creation Myth Puppets in Newton Abbot, Devon, England, UK

2013 - Little Angel Theatre

- ThreeBrainCells production company

- Euroart in London

- Life of a Dress workshop in Mozambique

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