date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 4:19 PM wow, that'd be fantastic. It'd be very helpful in writing an upcoming Marshall College entry on!
I went to the Imperial War Museum in 2004 and again in 2005. It's truly an impressive sight. I've only been to London twice, but I can imagine making a point to visit the museum each time I go.
NerfHerdersAnonymous Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 6:52 PM yeah, darn, eh? Someone needs to put together the Imperial War Museum...Star Wars style.
Yes, Lawrence of Arabia. My favorite film. Beautiful picture, awesome cast and one of the most enticing main themes ever composed. I saw the restored version released in 1989, it was my first time. I had refused to watch it on TV...and wasn't old enough to see it during the 1970 release.
Guinness played Prince Feisal (funny caption) well, of course, even though he was white and had blue eyes. Peter O'Toole was perfect for the role, his resemblance to Lawrence was uncanny.
Fragments from the Mind's Eye
date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 4:19 PM
wow, that'd be fantastic. It'd be very helpful in writing an upcoming Marshall College entry on!
I went to the Imperial War Museum in 2004 and again in 2005. It's truly an impressive sight. I've only been to London twice, but I can imagine making a point to visit the museum each time I go.
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 5:00 PM
ooooh, that gave me chills. Upcoming? I'll keep that part of bookmarked.
T E Lawrence was a fascinating individual. I was just thinking I'd like to read Jeremy Wilson's biography of Lawrence again. Is that a sign?
I never visited the IWM. In my teens and twenties I went to several war/military museums across the US and Europe.
hehehe, ever get the feeling there is just far too much to see in the world and there will never be enough time? *sigh*
"Commander Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion reporting for duty, but please, call me Independentjac"
date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 6:19 PM
what! non imperial museam! anyway... i saw that movie with that guy in it... alec guiness was in it too!
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Oct 21, 2005 6:52 PM
yeah, darn, eh? Someone needs to put together the Imperial War Museum...Star Wars style.
Yes, Lawrence of Arabia. My favorite film. Beautiful picture, awesome cast and one of the most enticing main themes ever composed. I saw the restored version released in 1989, it was my first time. I had refused to watch it on TV...and wasn't old enough to see it during the 1970 release.
Guinness played Prince Feisal (funny caption) well, of course, even though he was white and had blue eyes. Peter O'Toole was perfect for the role, his resemblance to Lawrence was uncanny.
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