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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Actor Updates!

Before I head on out for the holidays I'd like to get in a quick actors update.

Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi - PT) was looking over the new BMW motorcycle with friend and fellow world traveller, Charley Boorman. See two pics HERE.

~~Perry King (Han Solo - Star Wars radio dramas), the Olive Crest National Spokesperson and contributor to the Olive Crest Homes for Abused Children in Orange County, CA since 1985, was a guest speaker at their luncheon here in Rancho Mirage, CA (a few miles from where I am here) on December 18. Here's the article.

~~Just in time for Christmas! James Earl Jones (voice of Darth Vader) stars as one of The Three Wise Men in Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth. This came out on TV in 1977 in four parts. All four parts will be aired on The History Channel on December 25th starting at 8am (Eastern time US) and ending around 4pm. Check The History Channel for the details.
Part 1: 12/25, 8am; Part 2: 12/25, 10am; Part 3: 12/25, 12pm; Part 4: 12/25, 2pm

~~Hayden Christensen and Jessica Alba recently visited a children's hospital to hand out presents. They are filming Awake. And..If you'd like to see Mr. Christensen in a cross-country race (recorded earlier this year) then you can watch Cops, Cars & Superstars: Bullrun II which airs on Saturday, December 24th at 9:30 pm ET on Razer TV.

~~The following actors were added to the SWAD:
Colin Higgins (Thanks to Pablo Hidalgo)
Adam Smith (Thanks to Convention-Guests)
Nick Chilvers
Elizabeth Conboy
Brian Deacon
Tish Hicks
Lorri Holt
Colin Skeaping
Vic Armstrong

~~There are several new references that were sent in this week, and plenty of other updates. To see what they were click HERE.

Happy Holidays everyone!

See you next week!


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