Star Warzzzzzz
What Uncle Owen really thought of Threepio.
...and Luke just met Threepio...tsk, tsk.
Threepio found out he wasn't going to be the center of attention and dropped off, Luke watches Ben doze.
Sandman delivers the desert drowsies.
Debnoli is B-O-R-E-D...or, just saw Threepio coming and is pretending to be asleep.
Momaw Laydown...and get some sleep...Trinto has the right idea.
Han Snoozo
Slumber the Hutt
Motti about to hit home plate, Col. Yularen, already in his PJs, on deck.
Sleeping? Hm, I wonder.
The real reason Obi-Wan died. Never fall asleep with your lightsaber activated.
Wedge seems a little...concerned, "pft! guy, who does he think he is...a Jedi?" Other pilots about to go.'s spreading.
Who's X-Wing did HE work on?
Wedge concedes.
Luke dreaming of Womp Rats back home.
Dutch dreaming of fighting in a space battle to save the galaxy...seems so real.
Biggs, dreams of Camie.
Jek...dancing Twi-leks.
Rive Caedo
Rive's Uncharted Settlements
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 6:10 PM
Cute idea.
Personally I think Vader is asleep pretty much any time he isn't talking. But we'll never know
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 6:17 PM
hehe, yes, I had thought of that too!
Wookiee want a cookie?
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 6:33 PM
"Funny idea.
Personally I think Vader is asleep pretty much any time he isn't talking. But we'll never know"
Son of a Bith
The Cantina Corner
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 6:53 PM
Like My Father Before Me
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 7:59 PM
Funny stuff!
The Trash Compactor
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 8:03 PM
Actually, according to Dark Lord, Vader rarely sleeps due to tortured dreams. I think the bigger question here is, if he does sleep, does he snore through his mask? What would that sound like?
date Posted: Feb 02, 2006 10:32 PM
Ha! Pretty good. When taking snapshots from the film, I discovered there are lots of shots with the actors closing their eyes. By the way, I love your website!
Smugglers Rants
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 2:53 AM
That is just silly. Silly silly silly
That's why I LOVE IT!!
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 12:41 PM
"Silly silly silly"
Yep!! Glad you thought it was as silly as I did.
I had accidentally taken a screen shot of Luke and Wedge in the briefing room and Luke's eyes were closed AND he was leaning over to listen to Wedge. It really looked like he was napping. I kept it as a screensaver for a few days, it made me giggle.
"By the way, I love your website!"
Thanks for saying so, FutureLukeSkywalker...I appreciate it very much.
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 12:41 PM
You can catch almost any actor sleeping in any movie, unless they've been told not to blink, which happens, not as unusual as you think. In fact, did you know that newscasters/anchors/reporters, etc., are trained not to show too much of their upper teeth? Studies showed that it was too distracting to the viewer.
Master Andy Luke Skywalker
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 1:16 PM
LOL Funny Stuff. :^O
Thanks, that just made my day even better (it's already good since it's friday). Interesting stuff about the newscasters/ reporters. i didn't know that. They say every day you learn something new.
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 1:27 PM
"Thanks, that just made my day even better"
They say every day you learn something new."
It's true!
date Posted: Feb 03, 2006 11:17 PM
btw, how do you take screenshots? i wanna take some too. Oh and thanks a lot for the help, i've handed the assignment in, mine is within the top 5 in class :D
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 04, 2006 1:51 AM
cestus183! ;)
Great to hear that! Yay you! Glad I could be of assistance...somehow.
Mando Crusader
date Posted: Feb 04, 2006 3:25 AM
:^O Hilarious!
I think those pilots should remember that : TIREDNESS KILLS- Take a break
I love your site btw
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Feb 04, 2006 11:41 AM
I think those pilots should remember that : TIREDNESS KILLS- Take a break
hahaha! Yes, those lazy fighter pilots never read those work safety posters in the mess hall!
Thanks Mando! I appreciate the kind words.
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