date posted: Jan 14, 2006 4:04 PM updated: Jan 14, 2006 4:20 PM edit
Hello everyone,
My interview at is up.
This is a new section at Lightsabre and will feature interviews of Star Wars webmasters from around the globe. I was lucky enough to be the first and I am most honored and happy to have been so.
Mr. Newbold, janlomona, is a lovely young man and I'm pleased to have met him. Thanks Mark for a great interview!
Look for other webmaster interviews in the upcoming months..."webmasters, site founders, fan film makers, blog managers, fan fiction writers - Lightsabre brings you interviews with the fans who have made important contributions to the star wars saga..."
As far as I'm aware this is the first time anyone has made an effort to showcase or feature Star Wars fan-site webmasters anywhere. I've been privy to a partial list of future interviewees and I'm excited to hear what they have to say and look forward to those interviews! Keep your eyes out for all future interviews HERE.
Thanks to all the guys at Lighsabre for taking notice, it means a lot.
Thanks for taking a peek.
Look for an Actor Update Monday!
Vicomte's Blog Extravaganza
date Posted: Jan 14, 2006 4:38 PM
No thanks.......
laugh it up fuzzball
date Posted: Jan 14, 2006 4:41 PM
If thats you in the picture, I totally love your Hair!!!
sorry, I know its random...
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Jan 14, 2006 4:50 PM
Oola? No thanks.......
hahaha, well, to each his own
vadervuddy...Thank you! Very kind of you to say so.
Smugglers Rants
date Posted: Jan 15, 2006 2:14 PM
Wow, thanks for the kind words, you did well to spot that there, I actually put it up yesterday just to test everything was linked ok (I often do that with stories and new sections) but only announced it this morning.
Glad you like it, and I know you'll keep in touch (besides, there's C4 in 2007 and Corvette racing in Modesto to do first!)
I didn't realise that no-one else had interviewed webmasters as a regular part of a site before - blimey, I've done something original at last!
But best of all, thanks for calling me a `young man' - that feels great, I'm 35 on March 31st (me and Ewan can drown our sorrows together...)
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Jan 15, 2006 3:47 PM
I'm sneaky that way! Nah, I wanted to read Randy's interview and the cursor accidentally (no, really it was accidental) fell there before I read his interview and let me know that mine was linked.
That's right! We've got things to do!
Another 'yep' on the originality of the concept. You can see why the honor was all mine.
"But best of all, thanks for calling me a `young man' - that feels great, I'm 35 on March 31st (me and Ewan can drown our sorrows together..."
Well, it's true...and...everyone is younger than I am here.
Smugglers Rants
date Posted: Jan 17, 2006 10:40 AM
You poor, poor thing. It must be a curse to look 25 and be...35!
But then, I have to live with that curse every day...
Life, the Star Wars Universe and Everything
date Posted: Jan 17, 2006 12:19 PM
You're very, very kind. Thank you.
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